Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Personal Statement Example As a volunteer at my father’s office, I did simple tasks like installing software, setting up new computers, editing documents and connecting internet cables. Though these tasks were simple compared to the complicated computer science world that is full of math and engineering, they were sufficient to further ignite the interest and skills in me. Another important point of inspiration was Dr. Duncan Buell. It was he who gave me an insight into the real scope of computer science. I realized the importance of computer software engineers, computer programmers, computer applications software engineers, and computer systems software engineers in the new world of communication and business. He told me the fact that computer software engineering is one of the fastest growing occupations, and it will be so in the time ahead. As I completed my B.S in Computer Science, I realized the fact that there is a lot more I have to learn in order to make my own contributions in the field. Admittedly, the field only accepts the best and the most effective, and the rest is rejected mercilessly. So, for me, in order to join a multinational firm that offers chances of unlimited growth, it is necessary for me to gain better knowledge and sharpen my skills. So, I found that it is necessary for me to do masters in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Admittedly, I have another desire too in pursing my master in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. That is to learn more about, and specialize in the inclusion of nanotechnology. I have come to know that nanotechnology offers a number of areas for research and development. Some of them are swarm intelligence, genetic algorithms, and cellular automata. Thus, I intend to further concentrate on the nanotech challenge of developing a nanorobot that is capable of self-repairing, self-replicating, and multiplying. I am very much aware that this masters degree in Computer Science and Computer

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